BOOM! Studios Reveals its “20 For 20” Slate Ahead of its Milestone Anniversary Year #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel
BOOM! Studios Reveals its “20 For 20” Slate Ahead of its Milestone Anniversary Year #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel
Agents of the Four Seasons Vol. 1 is an interesting concept but a rough execution #comics #graphicnovel #manga
Wildflower Emily is an interesting introduction to Emily Dickinson for young readers #comics #graphicnovel
#GraphicNovel- #Buchtipp
„Ich zähle auf Euch!“ - diese Aufforderung veröffentlichte die frühere Résistance-Kämpferin und ehemalige Kriegsreporterin #MadeleineRiffaud noch mit 99 Jahren auf ihrem Facebook-Account, um zusammen gegen die extreme Rechte vorzugehen. Im Comic "Madeleine, die Widerständige" wird ihr Leben als Widerstandskämpferin gegen die Nazis geehrt, die im November 2024 mit 100 Jahren verstarb (#avant-Verlag)
Yellow exclusive preview. Set in an alternate future amid a Second Civil War, wounded infantryman Nick Carson flees the battlefield and escapes across the wasteland of war-torn America #comics #graphicnovel
Die Verfilmung hat mich schon zu Zonenzeiten in ihren Bann gezogen und in Verbindung mit dem Lesen von Tolstoi wohl sehr stark in Richtung des Pazifismus gebracht.
Und jetzt kommt dieses geniale Werk auch als #GraphicNovel
Ash's Cabin is an emotional exploration of finding oneself and one's community #comics #graphicnovel
All three volumes of Wonder Woman: Earth One are collected in the DC Compact Comics edition #comics #graphicnovel #wonderwoman
Forgotten Runes: Wizard's Cult is a fun collection of comics and a world we want to see more of #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel #ncbd
Midnight Radio gets a new edition and it shouldn't be missed #comics #graphicnovel #ncbd
The Flashpoint Fanhome Edition is an interesting mix of comics within #flashpoint #fanhome #comics #graphicnovel
Brooklyn Dreams returns to print with Dark Horse #comics #graphicnovel
Exclusive Preview: Hydrogenese by Caza from Metal Hurlant #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel
Persephone preview. A new edition of the stunningly rendered modern retelling of the Greek myth of the Goddess Demeter and her daughter, Persephone #comics #graphicnovel
See what's coming to GPTV this week! We're reviewing Forgotten Runes and more! #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel
Kodansha Print Club to Bring Digital Favorites to Print Starting December 10, 20024 #comics #manga #graphicnovel
New page of my scifi webcomic is released! Go check it out!
The Killing Joke Fanhome Edition is interesting in all of the comics included within #comics #graphicnovel
Drafted is one of the best graphic novels of the year with amazing detail about army life #comics #graphicnovel #graphicmemoir
Dark Horse presents Jeff Lemire's 10,000 Ink Stains: A Memoir #comics #graphicnovel #graphicmemoir