Folks it is about an hour until #Monsterdon, the weekly monster movie watch party. If you want to avoid a flood of toots, set up a hashtag filter.
If, on the other hand, you'd like to join in, this week's move is YETI: GIANT OF THE 20TH CENTURY (1977), an Italian Bigfoot film which I'm sure will be *completely* ridiculous. :D
It's on Tubi with ads, or over here on YouTube:
See you there! :D
Hold steady for the Yeti! Only ten minutes to get ready! If you've already got your spaghetti then get the movie on the telly and prepare for a flick that's smelly :D
Did I mention the music is by Sante Maria Romitelli?
The time left is petit! #Monsterdon
(where applicable)
"Because of the earthquake, a creature called Gamera was released..." #Monsterdon
Oh no, our boy the Yeti got ejected from the glacier like he came out the other end of a water slide :O #Monsterdon
...Carmina Burana for strings? #Monsterdon
Hunnicut Enterprises? Wow, BJ's doing okay for himself. Better than Radar anyway. #Monsterdon
...that's a toy helicopter >_> #Monsterdon
Yeti delivery for -- wait what the fuck #Monsterdon
HH, I assume this guy's name is Huckster Heckler #Monsterdon
...So this film was filmed in Italian, then dubbed into English and *subtitled in Italian again*??? #Monsterdon
WHEEE flamethrowers are so fun to play with WHEEEEE #Monsterdon
Didn't any of you guys watch The Thing? #Monsterdon
Mmm, yeah, close enough to smell the yeti fur frying #Monsterdon
"Hi folks, I'm Clayton Rockjaw, I'll be your protagonist tonight." #Monsterdon
Nice of them to detail the Yeti's travel itinerary. #Monsterdon
This film has all the qualities of The Christmas That Almost Wasn't. #Monsterdon
No kid, go back to sleep. You can still avoid being in this film if you try. #Monsterdon
Oi, that green screen. We're in for some real quality here tonight. #Monsterdon
Just spraying backstory all over the ground. #Monsterdon
"He's got to live free! As he likes!"
Yeti's gonna get a timeshare in Boca, yeah. #Monsterdon
Great the way you can see the clouds and mountains through the yeti in that shot >_> #Monsterdon
"I'll enrich his oxygen"
Oh yeah, baby, let's hotbox this ape #Monsterdon
Oh, the booth is a tiny carwash for yetis #Monsterdon
O FOOT-UNA #Monsterdon
CLEAR! Breathe, you goddamn yeti, breathe! Don't give in! #Monsterdon
...That's literally just Bob Vila two days without a shave #Monsterdon
"The yeti! IS ALIVE!"
...Uh, yay? I guess that's good? I guess? #Monsterdon
"Cliff! Press the red button!"
They're ALL RED, you dipshit! #Monsterdon
That is the smuggest turn of a dial ever seen on screen. #Monsterdon
And here we see Wilt Chamberlain descending the stairs, having delivered the ultimatum to the Yeti Powers... #Monsterdon
Hm, yeti's made of novelty foam rubber. #Monsterdon
"Do nothing to excite him!"
So, just keep producing this movie. Nothing exciting at all. #Monsterdon
Oh dear, looks like we're gonna have to rely on the tender heart of a child to bring this yeti under control--
Whoops, kid just got trampled to death, never mind #Monsterdon
eeeeeeuch stop licking things D: #Monsterdon
Looks like they gave the yeti a mani pedi #Monsterdon
What is it, Lassie? Rich kids are dead? Yeah, neat! #Monsterdon
"Don't move!"
Yeah, yeti vision is based on movement. #Monsterdon
And now, the tender yeti hand theme for strings #Monsterdon
eeeeeeeew #Monsterdon
Dog's like, "At last, a chance to escape this film!" #Monsterdon
This yeti's got a great range of expression
this film is *really really* groady #Monsterdon
Always nice to have a professor along, makes it easier to pull plot points out of your ass like that. #Monsterdon
Oh, it's Social Grooming time, huh?
This film is GROADY. #Monsterdon
Enjoy the fish entrails in your hair, girl. #Monsterdon
"He's mistaken you for his wife"
And now, unrestrained capitalism. #Monsterdon
JESUS would you give us some WARNING before you turn the O Fortuna back on? Man. #Monsterdon
Man, there's no party like a Canadian Carnivale
PLEASE tell me he's gonna climb the CN Tower at some point. #Monsterdon
...He jumped out of that glass case like Octaman coming out of an RV. #Monsterdon
Guys got calves like turkey drumsticks. #Monsterdon
Jane! Jane, it's important to set up our romantic entanglement for the dramatic third act! #Monsterdon
I feel like there's only two ways to feel about a #Monsterdon movie at the two-thirds mark; either "there's no way this lasts another half hour" or "shouldn't this plot have started by now?"
No no, it's alright, I'll just wait here. Dangling from the 32nd floor. I'm fine, you go do your steparobics. #Monsterdon
Oh, time to get her Fay Wray on. Nice. #Monsterdon
Thank you for the call back!!!
@CactuarJoe It’s like an even creepier remake of Eegah
@crowbriarhexe Oh god, it totally is Eegah. If he starts eating shaving cream I'm gonna *ralph.* D: