It's been so long since I listened to this album
Discovered thanks to the film Natural Born Killers (I love the soundtrack)
Oliver Stone Blamed Robert Downey Jr. For “Ruining” ‘Natural Born Killers’ With “Slapstick Bull—”
#News #NaturalBornKillers #OliverStone #RobertDowneyJr
#happybirthday @woodyharrelson #woodyharrelson #actor #beckett #solostarwarsstory #starwars #tallahassee #zombieland #doubletap #thehungergames #catchingfire #mockinjay #Venom #LetThereBeCarnage #WhiteHousePlumbers #FlyMetotheMoon #Suncoast #Champions #nowyouseeme #naturalbornkillers #thepeoplevslarryflint #welcometosarajevo #truedetective #TheManfromToronto
#happybirthday @JulietteLewis #juliettelewis #actress #MyStepmotherIsanAlien #NationalLampoonsChristmasVacation #CapeFear #HusbandsandWives #Kalifornia #WhatsEatingGilbertGrape #NaturalBornKillers #StrangeDays #FromDuskTillDawn #HystericalBlindness #Enough #ColdCreekManor #OldSchool #StarskyandHutch #WhipIt #Conviction #TheSwitch #AugustOsageCounty #JemandtheHolograms #Ma #Mayday #WaywardPines #SecretsandLies #QueerasFolk #WelcometoChippendales #Yellowjackets
#StarTrekDiscovery s5 e4 #FaceTheStrange, and I'm getting a disturbing #NaturalBornKillers vibe from these two.
Only heard about #TomSizemore this morning (& through conventional tabloid media links), though it's been a week already it seems. Hospital stuff CW if you've not heard either.
First known to me either from #StrangeDays back around 1996, or whenever I first saw #Passenger57. Doubt I saw #NaturalBornKillers before either of those two.
This place really doesn't tell me anything much the way Twtr used to.
If he's a dodgy person, I have no idea, word not going around on Twtr either re: him.