is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A poly-fandom instance for nerds to talk about nerd culture. No Nazis, no TERFs.

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Well, it looks like #Bookwyrm works with #bridgyfed just fine!

Does anyone have any experiences with successfully connecting #Fediverse apps with _other_ than #Mastodon and Bookwyrm? I tried but failed to connect my #Pixelfed account earlier, so I am curious about any other possibilities.

I am all for using this possibility, if only to show the fine folks at #Bluesky that we have a rich ecosystem of different apps over here. 😉

So I broke down & joined #bluesky, because that’s where the majority of journos seem to be posting. I don’t get it. You’d think they’d be more interested in the #fediverse. Anyway, if any of my followers did the same I’m, though I’m pretty sure whatever I post there I’ll already have posted here. (#Mastodon is my primary account for sure)

«Decentralized Social Media Is the Only Alternative to the Tech Oligarchy

[…] Mastodon’s ActivityPub and Bluesky’s AT.Protocol have provided the base technology layer to make this possible, and have laid important groundwork over the last few years to decorporatize and decentralize the social internet. […]»

I'm critical of Bluesky because their format doesn't decentralize of the effort.


404 Media · Decentralized Social Media Is the Only Alternative to the Tech OligarchyThe TikTok ban and Donald Trump's rise to power show how fragile our social media accounts are. We must normalize and invest in decentralized social media.
Replied in thread

@Paroxia yo estoy bastante contenta con la experiencia por ahora. Aunque les he contado a algunos amigos sobre #mastodon y me han dicho que es el #linux de Twitter, que no se qué no se cuándo y me ha puesto un poco triste. Tipo, ellos defienden #bluesky y, a pesar de darles razones por las que venirse aquí, siguen prefiriendolo. Es como si les diera igual la lucha o lo que conlleva usar ese tipo de #rrss

Les empreses i lobbies marxen a BlueSky per que tindran una empresa privada que els oferirà eines per publicitat i estadístiques.

No els importa la llibertat, els importa seguir amb el seu model d'influència allà on vagin.

Per això, el que millor podem fer és migrar al fedivers, aquí a Mastodon no ens bombardejaran amb anuncis ni algorismes tòxics.

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@cwebber How about #Tumblr? It’s not as scaling in size, but it seems to be doing okay for now. In terms of commercial platforms , it’s probably the only other one than #Bluesky that’s still open & visibly #LGBTQ friendly, as well as to other groups, and it’s intact from what I can tell. I just recently joined as an alternative, although the style isn’t exactly my preference. At least it integrates with #Jetpack & other #fediverse & #WordPress connections, better than Facebook…

Friends, does anyone know if the folks on #bluesky have to do something else than follow the bridge account for a #blueskybridge? for some reason I can find one person on bsky, but not the others. They all followed the respective acount as stated in the docs. Since I can follow that one person from two instances, and the others from none, I feel something is missing?
People can find me just fine.