The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 12
Prompt: How can I reduce the impact that my fears are having on me?
Card: Page of Wands.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.
The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 12
Prompt: How can I reduce the impact that my fears are having on me?
Card: Page of Wands.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.
Oschdresege in two weeks!
May the color begin to return to the gray world
May the breeze carry seeds to new meadows
May the sun warm ground and wake those asleep
May the springs flow upon the earth watering animals and plants alike
May we grow as seeds carried on the wind
Warmed by the sun, awakened to life
Watered by the springs, nourished by the soil
Hail the return of color!
SLS 03/09/2025
That spiritual path which does not honour the divine feminine principle is a skewed path, inclining by design away from the very source of all that is. It is a path for the willfully orphaned.
#pagan #paganism #norsepagan #goddess #heathen #writer #writing #divinefeminine #oldgods #spirituality #spiritualjourney
This is my all time favourite photo. My lovely wife @alibo inside the spiral of Fairy Glen. Thank Cernunnos for the wee breeze in the perfect moment.
#isleofskye #pagan #paganways #witchythings #spirituality #spiritual #spiritualität #ilovethatplacesomuch #heathen #scotland #highlands #marriedmybestfriend #fairyglen #thatwas2016
(Ursprünglich am 14. Oktober 2020 auf Instagram gepostet.)
#Tarot card of evening: Four of Bows (wands).
Even in the #HardTimes, make time to come together with family, in whatever form family takes for you. Come together to celebrate the good and cherish the fellowship and sharing.
Shades of approaching Ostara increasingly colour the world. This time of renewal is the perennial hope to which we can attach our hearts during these times of so much fear and uncertainty. The good times roll, so they say. But so do the bad times — rolling on and out of sight.
#pagan #paganism #norsepagan #writer #writing #spring #ostara #heathen #druid #flowers #uncertainty #fear #renewal
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The Wheel-X.
The Wheel brings now uncertainty and difficulties. Sure, it will turn eventually and bring better, but it will be a long while. So you need to deal with what is here and now.
The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 3
Prompt: How can I improve my energy levels?
Card: Nine of Swords.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.
#Tarot card of evening: Page of Bows (wands).
Get outdoors, get some fresh air, and enjoy nature's wonders as you can. A good time to try out new experiences and do some creative experimenting be it food, art, writing, or some other craft.
The #MysticStarTarot March 2025 #Tarot challenge.
Day 1
Prompt: What card symbolizes me right now?
Card: Page of Swords.
Deck: Black Cats Tarot.
On a side note, much of this goes along with one of the books I am currently reading:
'Appalachian Mountain Christianity."
Why yes, the happy #heathen does read stuff about #religion once in a while. Plus in this case, book has local interest in our campus.
Of possible interest for some.
> Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh: Traditional Offerings in Appalachian Folk Spiritual Tradition
#Appalachia #religion #pagan #heathen #witch #Christian #mountains (c)
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Queen of Wands.
That new project? Keep working at it. Nurture new skills, you may need them down the road, especially in these #HardTimes.
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Ace of Cups.
This is an abundant time where you may be inspired to help others. Your cup is full, and you can share your inspiration, empathy, and caring with others.
The Old Gods have not returned. They never left. They were simply waiting for those whose blood and bones resonates with their voice heard in the forests and groves, rivers and standing stones, in the moon and stars and the rising and setting sun. Waiting for us to hear and return to them.
#pagan #paganism #norsepagan #spirituality #heathen #writer #writing #OldWays #oldgods #nature #animism
I recently did a somewhat complex (to me) #Tarot spread, and one of the messages was to stop procrastinating. To do some of those things I keep saying I will do. Work on new skills.
Anyhow, I am finally doing: I am studying to learn the Lenormand cards. Started reading the book last night.