In Final Fantasy, Warmech is an enemy with an extremely low encounter rate. Nintendo Power had a contest around just finding it. I’m 30-odd years late for the contest, but I got my photo. It immediately killed my party, and after an hour or two it never came back.
Oh my God the remake credits go on so long.
The original Final Fantasy was made by 11 people.
@DinosaurRobo I played this on an emulator years ago and specifically sought out Warmech for pretty much the same reasons. What a pain. Super low encounter rate, and only appears in one little spot. And didn't even get his (also rare) special drop when I killed him. Argh.
@triphazard The internet tells me I was around 10 levels below where I needed to be, but I already felt over-leveled compared to the things I was fighting, so I moved on. I’m satisfied enough.
@DinosaurRobo Oh yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous for it to be a random encounter.