I’ve been asked if I replay games a lot (especially with visual novels this seems to be a thing people don’t tend to believe): Yes.
If I really enjoy a game, I will play it again … and again. One example of this is #odinsphere. I played the ps2 version multiple times aswell as the ps4 remake. It’s a wonderful game. If I had one wish for the new #switch2 i would ask for an Odin sphere port.
Please tell me about the games you love replaying
One thing I love about this game is how the romance is written in such a tragic way. Not a in a “yay and then they lived happily ever after” way but… without spoiling too much: it’s often dire and heartbreaking - with all of the romances. I especially love the development of Mercedes throughout the game. No wonder she was picked up as the protagonist of the short manga series tbh.
@Lycoris@retro.pizza final fantasy iv
@Lycoris I try to replay Castlevania: Symphony of the Night every few years. Considering how far the Metroidvania genre has come, it holds up remarkably well, and the spritework is just as gorgeous now as it was back then.