CW: Nerd opinion required - Blade Runner
I'm now in my early 40s and have still not seen Blade runner. I am at risk of having my nerd privileges removed. The question is - which one? Nerdy ones, you are my only hope.
Oh, and obviously no spoilers please :)
@bloognoo I'm gonna be honest I watched the original I didn't really understand what the hype over it was.
@bloognoo My sister suggests the final cut. No idea what the general consensus is among film nerds, but I tend to trust other autistics about their special interests over general consensus anyway
@bloognoo I don't have a strong opinion on versions but I definitely understand being in your 40s and having a list of movies you know you really should have seen. I've been trying to fill in some of those gaps myself. I just saw Willow for the first time earlier this year!
@trixter 8 love willow as a film and as the birth of morphing
@bloognoo Very advanced for its time!
@bloognoo Director's Cut.