Republicans will just keep blocking all progress and these folks will just keep blaming everything wrong on all Dems because some goof on social media started an unfounded rumor.
That's not an accident. That's the whole plan.
@TonyStark Especially because it's effectively a copy of the other GOP m.o.: Break government, then claim government doesn't work and it should be shut down.
Keep Democrats from having enough seats to do anything, then claim that Democrats don't do anything, and they get even fewer votes next time! Magically, the GOP keeps winning. Huh.
Gods, I wish we didn't have so many gullible dipshits on the left.
@textualdeviance @TonyStark or the right, they are literally voting for their own destruction
@Darkphoenix @textualdeviance Both coming together and have achieved the same thing.
Many people who self describe as left have been entirely psyop'd with utter bullshit. Liz Cheney is better ally to be at this point and I can’t fucking stand her.
What I find so strange is that many leftists simultaneously call for radical changes to society while also having absolutely no faith that any positive is possible and that any incremental progress doesn’t count and that it’s somehow immoral to suggest that it is. No point in trying anymore.