is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A poly-fandom instance for nerds to talk about nerd culture. No Nazis, no TERFs.

Server stats:

active users

I don't think many people here follow me for my stuff, but just a heads up that the Cross-Wired Geeks site is currently down for maintenance as I put the finishing touches on the update. It'll be back up sometime today.

If you're interested, check out the community livestream happening today and tomorrow! My segment will be tomorrow (8/11) at approximately 6:40pm ET:

810nicleday.com810NICLE Day 2023: The Mask of Light810NICLE Day is back!

The site is back up, and the update is live! Official announcement will be tomorrow, but those interested can go take a look now: