Folks it is about an hour until #MONSTERDON the weekly monster movie watch party. If you want to avoid a flood of goofy toots, I recommend setting up a hashtag filter in your preferences.
If you'd like to join in, we're watching CRITTERS (1986) this week, one o' them Gremlins-alikes. You can catch it for free over on Tubi:
We start at 9pm eastern! Be there or be a small dubiously constructed rubber mammal!
There are now ten minutes until #Monsterdon. If you're joining in, cue up the movie and get your snacks together. If you're trying to avoid it, make sure your filter is set up. If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.
Y'know, I can't figure out if I've seen tonight's movie before or not. Or if I'm just confusing it with Gremlins, or Hobgoblins, or one of the eighty other rubbery ugly/cute knockoff movies that came out in the '80s.
And I suspect I'll still feel like that after having watched it. #Monsterdon
(where applicable)
Oh, New Line Cinema. You think this is a sequel to Reefer Madness? #Monsterdon
New Line Cinema, the cinema so nice we displayed the logo twice. #Monsterdon
...Three times >_> #Monsterdon
Huh, Conehead prison warden. #Monsterdon
Aw hell, it's not Hobgoblins, it's fucking *LASERBLAST* D: D: D: #Monsterdon
...Are those Autons? #Monsterdon
Hey, Billy Zane. Maybe the starship'll hit an iceberg. #Monsterdon
GET AN INTERCOM :/ #Monsterdon
Aw hell, it's M Emmet Walsh :/ #Monsterdon
"They're comin', Harv."
Don't be stupid. This is a PG film. #Monsterdon
Man that guy has a lumpy face. #Monsterdon
Ah, it's the tie-in record. Available in castoff bins near you! #Monsterdon
I've got a cake mold that'll do that. #Monsterdon
Imagine you break out of jail and Michael Jackson chases you down. #Monsterdon
Yeah yeah, farm explosives alien lore, melt another guy's face off! #Monsterdon
Watch out for the furniture doilies, kids. #Monsterdon
"You know better'n that, boy!"
Does he, tho? #Monsterdon
That's what we call a Standard 80's Kids' Room. #Monsterdon
...So how long has he been listening to the same song up in that room? #Monsterdon
C'mon Steve, it's time to test this film's PG rating. #Monsterdon
"Oh yeah, I forgot I lied to you about that." #Monsterdon
Okay the sneeze was funny. #Monsterdon
Aw man, I hate stealth levels :/ #Monsterdon
How come the first guy the aliens kill is always the town's Torgo? He's got enough problems. #Monsterdon
"And now, our one licensed song, for the eighth time in the last fifteen minutes." #Monsterdon