This country is really fucked up. No matter what happens, it is.
@TonyStark I feel like I've failed to give my kids a better world than the one I grew up in. I look at my toddler sleeping in her crib, trusting that her Papa and I will keep her safe and help her grow and become strong and confident. And yet I have no idea if the world she'll inherit as an adult will even be functional. I'm scared of what might happen to me. But even more scared of what the world may look like when I'm gone in 20 more years.
@textualdeviance I was having that conversation offline. I have failed my 14 year old daughter. My heart is breaking. You did not fail her. Her country failed her. Her neighbors, likely, failed her. You did not, and will not.
@textualdeviance @TonyStark It is a failure, but not your failure.
@Rainne @textualdeviance Thanks for saying that.
@TonyStark @textualdeviance Take some comfort in the idea that it was SNAFU before you recognized it. Same for me. I don’t know what to tell my adult children. They know, I think, and they must be having the same thoughts about my grandchildren. We don’t talk about the future in my family.
@meltedcheese @textualdeviance Thanks. I guess we will have to band together and go extremely local. I’m so sorry for all of us having these situations right now.
@TonyStark @textualdeviance Agreed. Local it is, and under the radar too. For now.
@textualdeviance @TonyStark I encourage all of you to continue to support public education, which in my 35 year experience tends to cross and dampen political divides. Kids and their college-educated teachers have gone back to work today, and will continue to learn and play. Keep your schools as community anchors, continue to resist intrusions from ideologues, and we’ll get through this, as we’ve done before.
@cmflyer @TonyStark Absolutely.