THE DEVIL. what a way to start a movie. #approve #monsterdon
hidden from the light? on rooftops? #monsterdon
neon drippy font. this movie is going to be AMAZING. #monsterdon
that is this guy's crowning D&D minuature collector's item. good for him. #monsterdon
is there... a guy in a hoodie in his trunk? i thought this was a demon movie, not a common everyday slasher movie. #monsterdon
listen, i live in ohio, these signs got nothing on the HELL IS REAL sign. #monsterdon
i want that skull near the door, THAT is style. #monsterdon
the university where i "teach" !? jeez, dude, do you think i have brains or not? #rude #monsterdon
oh god, mister "i have an idea for a book and you can have it for free, but you have to write it." i want this guy devoured by demons this instant. #monsterdon
"you won't believe the things i know" i don't believe them already, and you haven't even told me any of them yet. #monsterdon
"their sacrifices and their offerings" how long till Old William gets sacrificed. #monsterdon
oh yeah, get him drunk, that'll help. (-_-) #monsterdon
ah, wonderful, Ye Olde Desert White Guy is dead. #monsterdon
maybe the hoodie guy from their trunk could save them. #monsterdon
did... did that tape recorder just record her turning the tape over??? #monsterdon
oh, yes, deserted nighttime gas station, we'll be safe here. #monsterdon
damn, ma'am, is this the first man you've ever seen? back off. #monsterdon
"i can imagine how he felt." okay, this movie gets some points from me. #monsterdon
another skull, drink! #monsterdon
enough of that Thrilling Car Chase, enjoy these bones! #monsterdon
damn, that's some storm in the background. nice. #monsterdon
he's gonna record himself in the bathroom? i didn't think this was that kind of movie. #monsterdon
like in Twin Peaks, where the dude shows up behind her sofa. i think the gargoyle did it. #monsterdon
are we gonna have an alien autopsy now? #monsterdon
"gar what?" ma'am, just leave him, he's not smart enough to be worth it. #monsterdon
diana's probably better off with the gar-things, let's be honest. #monsterdon
it's the weird moan-y noises that are really making this scene difficult to watch. could we get the ADR guy to take just one step away from the mic please? pretty please? #monsterdon
did that gargoyle just slap that other gargoyle on the ass??? what am i watching??????? #monsterdon Even drinking water, that's a recipe for hyponatremia!
#Monsterdon #Gargoyles1972