The Guardian view on #COVID19, five years on: lessons still to be learned | Editorial
Vaccine hesitancy was rising even before COVID-19 emerged – but the pandemic exacerbated the trend. More kindergartners are opting out of school vaccine requirements, and Texas lawmakers are trying to make it even easier to do so.
This week's three-minute update on #COVID19 conditions in the US:
- COVID has declined to low levels nationally
- The South and Midwest are at moderate viral risks
- 14 states are at very high or high viral activity
- Tomorrow is Long COVID Awareness Day, and some pertinent links are provided.
#LongCovid campaigners to target Parliament after five years of neglect #COVID19
"Chronic lung disease, high blood pressure, weakened immune system, chronic fatigue syndrome or #fibromyalgia (aOR = 2.20), & arthritis were associated with a higher odds of more severe Covid19 infection"
#MEcfs @mecfs @covid19 #Coronavirus
#COVID19 #COVID #COVID_19 #COVIDー19 #SARSCoV2 #novid #CovidIsNotOver
@auscovid19 #auscovid19
Good morning, y'all. 5 years ago today I did the first issue of CoronaBuzz, a daily newsletter for updates about covid. Over the next 2.5 years I indexed and tagged over 13,000 articles about covid-19 and its impacts around the world. I am still updating that dataset though much more slowly than I was.
The collection is part of ResearchBuzz Firehose. I have an article on how to explore, search, and monitor it here: . I hope you find it useful.
Australian COVID-19 weekly stats update:
The risk estimate is trending gently upwards, now at 0.4% “Currently Infectious”, or 1-in-239.
That implies a 12% chance that someone is infectious in a group of 30.
Waves driven by the new LP.8.1.* variant have shown relatively low peaks in most places, and it is showing slow growth in the Australian genomic sequencing data.
Well, I've just done another test for Covid19 and it's still bluddy positive on day 15 after 1st symptoms! I feel fine today.
Cabin fever!
Did Trump allow 500K Americans to die for political gain?
When data showed COVID killed more Black & Hispanic people, the strategy shifted overnight.
Watch this shocking analysis of how racism may have shaped pandemic policies.
Eine Ökonomie des Krieges
Ein spannender Text aus Italien aus dem Jahr 2024 zur Polykrise und wie bestimmte Entwicklungen seit der Corona-Pandemie in die Militarisierung von Staaten und Transformationen zur Kriegswirtschaft übergegangen sind.
'Kasernenausdrücke wie „Wir sind an der Front“ oder „Hommage an die Kriegshelden“ wurden endlos wiederholt, ebenso wie die Wiederkehr veralteter patriotischer Rhetorik und Nationalhymnen auf Balkonen, die angesichts der prekären Gesundheitssituation ebenfalls nur von kurzer Dauer waren. Die menschenleeren Strassen erweckten den Eindruck einer Ausgangssperre, die bis zu einem gewissen Grad die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse über die Entwicklung der Pandemie und die möglichen Lösungen zur Vorbeugung und Behandlung verdunkelte. Diese Massnahmen wurden in einen Rahmen gestellt, der an die Simulation einer Kriegssituation erinnerte.
@DenisCOVIDinfoguy @auscovid19
Alarmingly BIG increases in "COVID-19 outbreaks in Australian residential aged care facilities: 13 Mar 2025".
As always Denis, thanks to you for compiling/extracting/sharing.
Africa: Covid-19 - How Did Africa Defy the Odds With Fewer Deaths?: [Thomson Reuters Foundation] The COVID-19 pandemic was supposed to decimate African populations, but that didn't happen. Why? #Africa #COVID19 #PandemicResponse #PublicHealth #HealthStatistics
How about some promising Covid-vaccine-related news? It's all early on, but it's still nice to see — and maybe buried amidst all the other news.
Nasal COVID-19 vaccine based on WashU technology to enter U.S. clinical trials
Newly Discovered Antibody Protects Against All COVID-19 Variants
(Of course, who knows what will happen with any vaccine work and/or availability given this administration.)
An Update On My Long Covid And A Look At Some New Data Just In