#FreeSpeech #FreedomofSpeech #1stAmendment #FreePress #FreedomofthePress #CivilRights #Petition Protect Freedom of the Press! | Our Voice, Our Vote
#FreeSpeech #FreedomofSpeech #1stAmendment #FreePress #FreedomofthePress #CivilRights #Petition Protect Freedom of the Press! | Our Voice, Our Vote
Last week, Husband, Son and I went to an evening event at Nevada Museum of Art; "The Power of Stories: Remembering Japanese American Incarceration." I, being a Japanese-American, felt the need to attend especially considering the current climate, but I was quite surprised and pleased that all family members were interested. I was expecting it to be intensely sad and anger-inducing, but it was gentle, loving and bitter-sweet. This podcast episode was played: https://thisislovepodcast.com/episode-36-the-magpie-of-heart-mountain
Last week, Husband, Son and I went to an evening event at Nevada Museum of Art; "The Power of Stories: Remembering Japanese American Incarceration." I, being a Japanese-American, felt the need to attend especially considering the current climate, but I was quite surprised and pleased that all family members were interested. I was expecting it to be intensely sad and anger-inducing, but it was gentle, loving and bitter-sweet. This podcast episode was played: https://thisislovepodcast.com/episode-36-the-magpie-of-heart-mountain
#Trump admin deported a 10-year-old #UScitizen recovering from brain cancer surgery
The family of the girl recovering from brain surgery described ‘serious abuses’ while detained in #US
#immigration #law #TheCrueltyIsThePoint #HumanRights #CivilRights
Is the U.S. facing a modern-day apartheid? In her insightful article, Joy-Ann Reid draws parallels between the MAGA movement and historical fascist regimes, spotlighting figures like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel who echo apartheid ideologies. She critiques efforts to erase civil rights history and dismantle protections against workplace segregation, highlighting a worrying shift towards exclusionary practices. Discover the implications for democracy and civil rights: [Joy-Ann Reid](https://www.joyannreid.com/p/the-daily-reid-american-apartheid). #Apartheid #CivilRights #JoAnnReid
Photos of the #Venezuelans illegally *deported* by #Trump under the #AlienEnemiesAct to the maximum security prison Terrorist Confinement Centre (#CECOT) in Tecoluca, #ElSalvador
Photos, released by the Presidencia El Salvador.
Photos of the #Venezuelans illegally *deported* by #Trump under the #AlienEnemiesAct to the maximum security prison Terrorist Confinement Centre (#CECOT) in Tecoluca, #ElSalvador
Photos, released by the Presidencia El Salvador.
This is some messed up dystopian stuff
Photos of the #Venezuelans illegally *deported* by #Trump under the #AlienEnemiesAct to the maximum security prison Terrorist Confinement Centre (#CECOT) in Tecoluca, #ElSalvador
Photos, released by the Presidencia El Salvador.
I surely didn't intend to put anything positive into my remark. Putin has been a dictator or at least an autocrat for decades, murdering everybody who comes close to being any kind of competition. If it's Polonium, Novichok, a fall from a window or a slow death in a Siberian work camp, Putin has always had his ways of shutting up the opposition.
Donald Trump admires that. And that's the really worrisome part!
‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’: GOP Senator Furious Over Judge’s USAID Ruling https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2025/03/trump-derangement-syndrome-gop-senator-furious-over-judges-usaid-ruling/
In response to the #DOJ's filing today in the #AlienEnemiesAct case, Judge #Boasberg ordered the #Trump admin to send him a sealed explanation of whether they in fact violated his court order.
#law #Constitution #immigration #14thAmendment #5thAmendment #DueProcess #Venezuela #CivilRights #ChecksAndBalances #JudicialBranch #Judiciary #SeparationOfPowers #CoEqualBranchesOfGovernment #ConstitutionalCrisis #AbuseOfPower #Trump
Here is the new minute entry in #JGGvTrump:
#TheGremlinZoo #EducationDept #CivilRights
From The Los Angeles Times: Civil rights enforcement in schools is uncertain as Trump slashes education department
@noh8campaign WTF!?
Can @europarl_en #ban #Hungary amidst this blatant #violation of #HumanRights and #CivilRights?
But every element of that claim is subject to serious dispute….
The #Trump admin’s efforts to shape the factual landscape on which the #legal & #political battle over the #deportations are being fought are part of a broader pattern. It has adopted what *seem to be* misleading or deceptive positions in other litigation.
From Southpaw:
The #UnitedStates government under #Trump by all accounts is shipping these people into indefinite involuntary servitude in #ElSalvador without even the pretense of any #judicial process, much less duly convicting them of a #crime. It’s an enslaving operation.
It is #HumanTrafficking.
Per Asha Rangappa:
Historical note: When President Lincoln *actually suspended* #HabeasCorpus under the Suspension Act of 1863, he was required to provide lists of all people detained who were not POWs to the circuit court. He complied. While prosecuting an *actual war*.
(Ex parte Milligan - https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/71/2%26nbsp)
They were not DEPORTED. Deported means sending them back to their country of origin. These people were sent to a maximum security #prison in #ElSalvador, without any #DueProcess or any analysis as to whether they feared harm there.
Flying a person to a third country that they may never have been to, directly into a prison where they are going to be forced to do hard labor, is not a #deportation; it's something else entirely.
There are still serious concerns about the prior two flights WITH *alleged* [w/o #DueProcess there’s no way to verify & family members & attorneys have said the allegations are false in many cases] #AlienEnemiesAct detainees onboard that continued despite the judge's order.
From the Sat night hearing:
#UnitedStates Govt attorney:
"Would this TRO apply to aliens that otherwise have final orders of removal, because from our perspective, that would be an independent basis to effectuate their removal?"
Judge #Boasberg: "That's fair. ... Yes, Mr. Ensign, I agree."
The #UnitedStates Govt Affidavit provides an explanation for the third flight leaving after #Boasberg’s orders:
"[A]ll individuals on that third plane had Title 8 final removal orders."
That means this flight complied with the order.