#ScribesAndMakers 8: What is the nicest thing anyone has said about your work?
It would be unfair to rank because there were a lot of nice things said and each of them came from the heart and therefore, I won't pick a nicest.
What makes me most proud is when I get a compliment from a fellow author because I know that those will see where you goofed up, couldn't hold the tension, or used the wrong word.
I think what made me the most happy was when a reader commented that they usually only read well-known #SciFi authors because that felt like the safest return of investment (I am paraphrasing) but they picked up #HeraldPetrel after they had seen my activity here and were so pleasantly surprised that they will now look into works from other #IndieAuthors now as well.
Trailblazing for a whole community? Now THAT'S a compliment you don't get often!