Frühblüher / spring geophytes
Crocus vernus 'Flower Record' this week.
Frühblüher / spring geophytes
Crocus vernus 'Flower Record' this week.
#FotoVorschlag #keinefarbe #photoprompt #foto #photo #photography #fotografie
#trump -s Welt! Das Foto ist ein Spiegelbild von Trumps politischem Handeln.
Trumps world! The photo is a reflection of Trump's political actions.
'Film Noir'
Grrr... the hound....
(... we were just playing ball. )
‘Druck‘ / 'Pressure'
Saftpresse im Einsatz letzten Herbst
Cider press at work last autumn
‚Demokratie‘ / 'Democracy'
Telling the Donald he's not welcome in classic Irish fashion.
Shannon Airport, Ireland, 2019
'Treppen' / 'Stairs'
Inside the European Parliament, Brussels
'Im Einsatz' / 'In use' or 'On duty'
Lahinch, Ireland 2023
@FotoVorschlag Beinahe übersehen / Almost didn't notice
... Nützlinge und ein kleiner Voyeur auf einem meiner Apfelbäume
... Beneficials and a little voyeur on one of my apple trees
My spouse and I are into #Photography, so we've started doing a weekly #PhotoPrompt with our niece and nephew.
Each week, a different one of the four of us picks a simple prompt idea, and we all take a wander with our cameras, trying to get 3 photos that fit our interpretation of the prompt.
We all have matching albums, so every 2-4 weeks, I order prints for everybody of the photos they took.
This week's prompt was: rectangles and squares.
Here are a few of the photos I took for the week.
"Mehr als vier Beine" / "more than for legs"
'Kälte' / 'Cold'
Ein eher seltener Anblick hier im Westen Irlands aus dem vergangenen November (und das exakte Gegenstück zum Sommerbild "Zuhause' von vorgestern).
only you and sometimes
seem to use the #photoprompt tag - can you explain what you intend by it?
'Zuhause' / 'Home'
My little refugium.
Many years of tree planting has also made it a refugium for wildlife in a sea of grassland.
'Mojibake (Zeichensalat)' / garbled text
Kein mojibake per definitionem, aber zumindest Buchstabensalat in meiner selbst entworfenen Schablone für den Gel-Druck.
No mojibake by definition, but at least jumbled letters in my self-designed stencil for gelprinting.
'HundKatzeMaus' / 'DogCatMouse'
Baby, it's cold outside.
'In jedem Ende etwas Neues' / '‘Something new in every ending’
Richtungswechsel / Change of direction
'Dinge die mit "L" beginnen ...' / Things beginning with the letter L
Licht / Light
For the Aminus3 photography prompt this week of NOTICED
This web caught my eye when I flipped on the lamp.