For women’s history month, we are celebrating our incredible leaders whose work has immeasurably bettered our communities and our country.
Thank you Rep. Laura Friedman (CA-30) for your meaningful work!
For women’s history month, we are celebrating our incredible leaders whose work has immeasurably bettered our communities and our country.
Thank you Rep. Laura Friedman (CA-30) for your meaningful work!
Student Censored — 'Art is supposed to get people talking' | Adams County, Ohio student's Women's History mural deemed 'inappropriate'
Her art class was assigned to create a mural inspired by Australian artist Buff Diss, who creates murals out of tape
Student, "I chose to do something for Women's History Month, Greenfield said. I wanted to say kinda, my body, my choice and be a voice for young women."
The mural Greenfield created depicts a man crossing his arms next to the outline of a woman. The woman is pregnant, with a fetus shown in her stomach, and has a piece of tape over her mouth and her hands tied behind her back.
"The duct-tape over the mouth really represented how women's voices are always shunned," Greenfield said. "And then the hands being tied back, how they're always like kind of trapped. schools us on bras, female veterans, childbirth, and onscreen orgasms in this collection of our favorite “Hist-Her-y” moments. #DailyShow #WomensHistory #Comedy
Desi Lydic Unpacks the Hist-He...
The trouble has been that society has neglected its members.
Pauline Newman
"Wells didn’t wear a helmet, nor carry a pistol, handcuffs or a club. But that didn’t stop her from exercising her authority as a newly appointed Los Angeles police officer—the first policewoman in the city’s history and one of the first in the United States." Smithsonian #WomensHistory
After the 1860 the North and the South developed secret service organizations. KY actress Pauline Cushman spied for the Union & earned her the sobriquet "Spy of the Cumberland." After boldly toasting Jefferson Davis She spied among Southern troops & secured information valuable to Federal forces. Union troops rescued Cushman from being hanged after her true loyalties were discovered. She later received an honorary major's commission from Lincoln.
Rep. Sarah Elfreth (MD-3) is rising up for Justice and Democracy!
Rep. Maxine Dexter (OR-3) is rising up for Justice and Democracy!
We look back at #JonStewart ’s interviews with some of the most prominent female history-makers of the #21stCentury including #MichelleObama, #MalalaYousafzai, and the former president of #PlannedParenthood, #CecileRichards.
#DailyShow #WomensHistory
Jon Stewart Interviews Michell...
The strokes of the pen need deliberation as much as the sword needs swiftness.
Julia Ward Howe
Rep. April McClain Delaney (MD-6) is rising up for Justice and Democracy!
#OnThisDay, 13 Mar 1990, Ertha Pascal-Trouillot became the provisional president of Haiti. She was the first woman to hold the role.
She stabilised the country for long enough for it to hold a free and fair election.
“I accepted the position in the name of Haitian women. I did it as a service to my country. I did it with love and determination.”
Women’s History Month
Rep Janelle Bynum of Oregon is rising up for justice and Democracy!
We must stand together to resist, for we will get what we can take-just that and no more.
Rose Schneiderman
Native American artist Jaune Quick-to-See Smith passed away a few weeks ago. Here are some of her maps. #MapoftheWeek #WomensHistory
#OnThisDay, 12 Mar 1994, the first 32 women are ordained as priests in the Church of England. Angela Berners-Wilson was the very first.
Farah Mendlesohn writes: On International Women's Day I want to start compiling a list of Women SF/F critics. Please add other names (including yourselves) here: (nb for nonbinary acceptable in column 2) #academicsky #sff #sffcritics #sfcriticism #womenshistory
Women SF and F Scholars
Let us develop our powers by thinking and acting for ourselves. That is the way we grow. We have been told organization is necessary to bring about results. We have been scattered to the four winds. Are we going to organize?