I miss the days when the brute squad didn't have military hardware
I miss the days when the brute squad didn't have military hardware
I'm trying to remember how many vampire movies where they're actually searching for a cure..
Woo, let the cop tossing Olympics begin!
Now I must go, I left the oven on in my coffin, I mean castle, I mean... You have a good night
@Sorl you could hear it from _space_
a second krakatoa event xD
Their preparation was apparently to confront the good Count during the day - a tad anti-climactic. It's like if Superman's Kryptonite was 12 hours a day, every day, and he just decided to fight during the Kryptonite.
#Monsterdon #Dracula1974
Director: No bats. They always look fake, rubbery and ridiculous.
What about wolves?
Director: Just use dogs. No one will know the difference. #Monsterdon #Dracula1974
@Sorl it was a pretty amazing noise
even if i decided it was epic vampire fart xD
@Zerofactorial that seems like a no-brainer yeah, quality candidate
i mean the way she absolutely ruled the world in manchurian candidate i'm about 65% serious right now
#Monsterdon Jack Palance had, maybe 10 spoken lines in this whole movie.
i wanna see angela lansbury as dracula
@apLundell They put that up front in Plan 9 from Outer Space. "Can you prove it DIDN'T happen?!"
So these guys travelled across Europe to confront Dracula, but did nothing to prepare for it?
This is my 5th or 6th Dracula movie and I don’t think any of them have featured the Bloofer Lady.
And fin.
You have to be proven?! Will the real Dracula please stand up?... that's what I thought
yeah this one had some plans and for a TV movie a LOT of ambition but dang so much of it didn't really quite hang together and then that collapse of an ending
That's kind of a weak death scene for Dracula there
@Zerofactorial @rallias @paco I have a $20/yr deal. #Monsterdon