A rare (but going to be less so) visit into colour!
A rare (but going to be less so) visit into colour!
I quite like that little effort
#LearnArt #Art #Sketching #PopArt #BossCoffee
#LearnToDraw #webinar series from #SierraClubBC
If you love #nature & #wildlife & want to learn how to draw - you'll enjoy their video #ArtLessons.
About the art instructor:
Dr. Julius Csotonyi is a Vancouver-based scientific illustrator and natural history fine artist. He has a scientific background in ecology (MSc) and microbiology (PhD) which has taken him to study sensitive ecosystems, from sand dunes in the Rocky Mountain parks to hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
These experiences have fuelled a strong resolve to work toward preserving the earth’s biota. Painting biological subjects is one means that he uses to both enhance public awareness of biological diversity and to motivate concern for its welfare.
He paints murals and panels that have appeared in numerous museums (e.g. the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History), press release images for scientific publications, books, stamp sets (e.g. the 2018 “Sharks of Canada” set for Canada Post), and coins for the Royal Canadian Mint. His work is viewable on his online gallery, http://csotonyi.com
OK, that one I'm happy with
#StarWars #DarthVader #LearnArt #Art
Part of me thinks that it is very poetic to draw corporate meetings with everybody being an anonymous box: we are devoid of features, interchangeable. Inhuman. A mere resource.
Captured this between some meetings and training. I think I'm done with it.
#sketching #art #learnart #melbourne #IStillHateEurekaTower
The first of a series of videos aiming to teach #artists how to deconstruct images to improve their own work https://youtu.be/am8O6x89_mg
This seems like Whitney’s final word on the nature of art, except that it comes in the very first chapter, and he reaches this level of drama at least once every few pages
Here is the quintessential Whitney passage, laying out thick exposition in a soaring tone, taking a swipe at Pollock, and finally asserting the true nature of watercolor in the simplest possible terms.
I got this book a while ago and haven’t ever fully explored it. But it is amazing.
I feel like every time I open it, I discover another weird little insight or aphorism.
Maybe I’ll put a few of these in a thread. They are really unexpected, especially out of context.
Hey there Mastodonians, I'd like to pick your brains about this piece I'm working on at the moment.
I'm at the stage where I'm letting it sit for a bit to see where and how I can improve on it.
Update: thank you for all your input and kind words, you can see the final piece here: https://mastodon.art/@tso/111776567581414494
Tell me what you think if you like