Work in progress Wednesday got me feeling like I have too much going on at once.
Kitbashing up some more Mootlanders for fluff! It was a 1/5184 chance, but they both caught rabies from some beastmen.
Also Sunday is the LGS Pre-Stupor Bowl! My team is wrapped up but I’m touching up my Kari Coldsteel for an inducement and dwarf ref and deathroller as game tokens.
Lastly, circling back around to Gaslands! I’ve been working on these for probably over a year at this point, but hoping to play for the first time with a buddy soon so I’m gonna whip out my airbrush and practice on em.
#wipwednesdays #wargaming #wargames #minipainting #miniatures #tabletop #kitbash #mordhiem #warhammer #metalminis #oldhammer #bloodbowl #gaslands
Kitbashing up some more Mootlanders for fluff! It was a 1/5184 chance, but they both caught rabies from some beastmen.
Also Sunday is the LGS Pre-Stupor Bowl! My team is wrapped up but I’m touching up my Kari Coldsteel for an inducement and dwarf ref and deathroller as game tokens.
Lastly, circling back around to Gaslands! I’ve been working on these for probably over a year at this point, but hoping to play for the first time with a buddy soon so I’m gonna whip out my airbrush and practice on em.
#wipwednesdays #wargaming #wargames #minipainting #miniatures #tabletop #kitbash #mordhiem #warhammer #metalminis #oldhammer #bloodbowl #gaslands