Folks it is about an hour until #Monsterdon, the weekly monster movie watch party. If you want to avoid a flood of toots, set up a hashtag filter.
If, on the other hand, you'd like to join in, this week's move is YETI: GIANT OF THE 20TH CENTURY (1977), an Italian Bigfoot film which I'm sure will be *completely* ridiculous. :D
It's on Tubi with ads, or over here on YouTube:
See you there! :D
Hold steady for the Yeti! Only ten minutes to get ready! If you've already got your spaghetti then get the movie on the telly and prepare for a flick that's smelly :D
Did I mention the music is by Sante Maria Romitelli?
The time left is petit! #Monsterdon
(where applicable)
"Because of the earthquake, a creature called Gamera was released..." #Monsterdon
Oh no, our boy the Yeti got ejected from the glacier like he came out the other end of a water slide :O #Monsterdon
...Carmina Burana for strings? #Monsterdon
Hunnicut Enterprises? Wow, BJ's doing okay for himself. Better than Radar anyway. #Monsterdon
...that's a toy helicopter >_> #Monsterdon
Yeti delivery for -- wait what the fuck #Monsterdon
HH, I assume this guy's name is Huckster Heckler #Monsterdon
...So this film was filmed in Italian, then dubbed into English and *subtitled in Italian again*??? #Monsterdon
WHEEE flamethrowers are so fun to play with WHEEEEE #Monsterdon
Didn't any of you guys watch The Thing? #Monsterdon
Mmm, yeah, close enough to smell the yeti fur frying #Monsterdon
"Hi folks, I'm Clayton Rockjaw, I'll be your protagonist tonight." #Monsterdon
Nice of them to detail the Yeti's travel itinerary. #Monsterdon
This film has all the qualities of The Christmas That Almost Wasn't. #Monsterdon
No kid, go back to sleep. You can still avoid being in this film if you try. #Monsterdon
Oi, that green screen. We're in for some real quality here tonight. #Monsterdon
Just spraying backstory all over the ground. #Monsterdon
"He's got to live free! As he likes!"
Yeti's gonna get a timeshare in Boca, yeah. #Monsterdon
Great the way you can see the clouds and mountains through the yeti in that shot >_> #Monsterdon
"I'll enrich his oxygen"
Oh yeah, baby, let's hotbox this ape #Monsterdon
Oh, the booth is a tiny carwash for yetis #Monsterdon
O FOOT-UNA #Monsterdon
CLEAR! Breathe, you goddamn yeti, breathe! Don't give in! #Monsterdon
...That's literally just Bob Vila two days without a shave #Monsterdon
"The yeti! IS ALIVE!"
...Uh, yay? I guess that's good? I guess? #Monsterdon
"Cliff! Press the red button!"
They're ALL RED, you dipshit! #Monsterdon
That is the smuggest turn of a dial ever seen on screen. #Monsterdon
And here we see Wilt Chamberlain descending the stairs, having delivered the ultimatum to the Yeti Powers... #Monsterdon
Hm, yeti's made of novelty foam rubber. #Monsterdon
"Do nothing to excite him!"
So, just keep producing this movie. Nothing exciting at all. #Monsterdon
Oh dear, looks like we're gonna have to rely on the tender heart of a child to bring this yeti under control--
Whoops, kid just got trampled to death, never mind #Monsterdon
eeeeeeuch stop licking things D: #Monsterdon
Looks like they gave the yeti a mani pedi #Monsterdon
What is it, Lassie? Rich kids are dead? Yeah, neat! #Monsterdon
"Don't move!"
Yeah, yeti vision is based on movement. #Monsterdon
And now, the tender yeti hand theme for strings #Monsterdon