THE DEVIL. what a way to start a movie. #approve #monsterdon
hidden from the light? on rooftops? #monsterdon
neon drippy font. this movie is going to be AMAZING. #monsterdon
that is this guy's crowning D&D minuature collector's item. good for him. #monsterdon
is there... a guy in a hoodie in his trunk? i thought this was a demon movie, not a common everyday slasher movie. #monsterdon
listen, i live in ohio, these signs got nothing on the HELL IS REAL sign. #monsterdon
i want that skull near the door, THAT is style. #monsterdon
the university where i "teach" !? jeez, dude, do you think i have brains or not? #rude #monsterdon
oh god, mister "i have an idea for a book and you can have it for free, but you have to write it." i want this guy devoured by demons this instant. #monsterdon
"you won't believe the things i know" i don't believe them already, and you haven't even told me any of them yet. #monsterdon
"their sacrifices and their offerings" how long till Old William gets sacrificed. #monsterdon
oh yeah, get him drunk, that'll help. (-_-) #monsterdon
ah, wonderful, Ye Olde Desert White Guy is dead. #monsterdon
maybe the hoodie guy from their trunk could save them. #monsterdon
did... did that tape recorder just record her turning the tape over??? #monsterdon
oh, yes, deserted nighttime gas station, we'll be safe here. #monsterdon
damn, ma'am, is this the first man you've ever seen? back off. #monsterdon
"i can imagine how he felt." okay, this movie gets some points from me. #monsterdon
another skull, drink! #monsterdon
enough of that Thrilling Car Chase, enjoy these bones! #monsterdon
damn, that's some storm in the background. nice. #monsterdon
he's gonna record himself in the bathroom? i didn't think this was that kind of movie. #monsterdon
like in Twin Peaks, where the dude shows up behind her sofa. i think the gargoyle did it. #monsterdon
are we gonna have an alien autopsy now? #monsterdon
"gar what?" ma'am, just leave him, he's not smart enough to be worth it. #monsterdon
diana's probably better off with the gar-things, let's be honest. #monsterdon
it's the weird moan-y noises that are really making this scene difficult to watch. could we get the ADR guy to take just one step away from the mic please? pretty please? #monsterdon
did that gargoyle just slap that other gargoyle on the ass??? what am i watching??????? #monsterdon
so they CAN talk, he just CHOSE to moan weirdly over her unconscious body earlier. okay, i take it back, that girl is not safe anywhere in this movie and she should leave as quickly as possible. #monsterdon
"not this time." as opposed to the last time the gargoyles were hunted to extinction? i... #monsterdon
aw, not mrs parks! she just wanted to get drunk and have sex, no 1970s movie could have any problem with her! #monsterdon
so we all agree that this movie happened because the writer found this cave and wanted to film in it, right? #monsterdon
the gargoyles are going to be brought down by jealousy after Mr I Can Read gets a little too close to the human lady? alright, can't be weirder than any other part of this movie. #monsterdon
i keep feeling like Denim Boy is gonna turn out to be some new boy band lead singer. like, his entire personality is "she was nice to me hurrr" but he has so many speaking lines. #monsterdon
also, how is Diana's top still so clean. i think that woman has super powers. #monsterdon
grayson hall, great job, ma'am. #monsterdon
can i hit this movie with a rock? would that help? #monsterdon
someone read that script and the green-lit it. lord, go out there and do whatever you dream of doing, people. you'll be great at it. #monsterdon Even drinking water, that's a recipe for hyponatremia!
#Monsterdon #Gargoyles1972