Internet realization moment of the day:
"OMG, I talked Babylon 5 (... not #BabylonZoo, also of the time...) with the 'bloke in White Town' here." Well that's cheered my day up now I guess.
#WhiteTown: Your Woman for reference.
Nothing under #BabylonZoo here either, so have their #Spaceman hit as well then.
#The90s had its moments.
The Levi's ad connection with Spaceman also lead me to #Stiltskin, who I _had_ actually entirely forgotten. The other two pop up through associations or reminders of the right kind, this song doesn't for me.
The ad:
The music video:
Talking about the first song with someone far more into music reminded me of #KsChoice. #MrFreeze was liked back around 2006.
#NotAnAddict for more you may remember.
It was actually funny clicking on the live version video of Mr Freeze first, only to then realize that oh, wait, that's MY old account, lol. 114k views. Yer welcome, folks.
For more Too Much Information, here's a 16 yrs ago Elysia with some back then video clips. Mostly Mortal Kombat, V, Andrew Gillies from Code Name: Eternity/La Femme Nikita/Odyssey 5 & playlists of John Turturro, Ozymandias, cartoons + comedy I need to check out myself to see WTH I watched back then.
Last #90sMusic reminder with a more indie #TheMurmurs and You Suck.
The uncensored version, bc that matters.