The 5 bands that Kiss’ Ace Frehley listed as influences
The 5 bands that Kiss’ Ace Frehley listed as influences
"I poured all the galaxies in the Universe into a pool"
“How many Galaxies are there, out there?”
How big number of galaxies is in observable universe?
“It’s either a lot bigger than this, or infinitely bigger than this.”
Epic Spaceman
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube license
Family friendly? Yes
Shared October 24, 2024
#Movierecommendations #worldcinema
#Spaceman #JohanRenck
#PorcoRosso #HayaoMiyazaki
#Enemy #DenisVilleneuve
#TheLadykillers #AlexanderMackendrick
#InsideOut #PeteDocter
#TheGreatIndianKitchen #JeoBaby
#Crossing #LevanAkın
#InsideOut2 #KelseyMann
#Cobweb #KimJeeWoon
#SciFi #Adventure #Drama #Animation #Fantasy #Mystery #Thriller #Comedy #Crime
#US #Japan #Canada #Spain #UK #India #Sweden #Turkey #SouthKorea
On today's BoCo episode, Ben and Adam embrace their ancient man-spider friends as they review 2024's Spaceman!
Go to to listen & to support the show!
#happybirthday @AdamSandler #adamsandler #actor #producer #thewaterboy #theweddingsinger #bigdaddy #littlenicky #HappyGilmore #MrDeeds #50FirstDates #Spaceman #Leo #TheOutLaws #MurderMystery #Spanglish #Click #ReignOverMe #INowPronounceYouChuckandLarry #YouDontMesswiththeZohan #JackandJill #ThatsMyBoy #GrownUps #pixels #HotelTransylvania #TheMeyerowitzStories #UncutGems #HubieHalloween
MT VOID #2319: Film reviews of #InidianJoneAndTheDialOfDestiny #TheseFinalHours #Spaceman; book review of #TheAtrocityArchives #CharlesStross; letters of comment on #Alexander #Alexandria; book comments on #MaoTseTung #OnGuerrillaWarfare on from @eleeper and #MarkRLeeper Tagged @scifi
Though how his character didn’t absolutely shit himself in fear at the first sight of <spoiler> is beyond me…
And then the film makes you feel emotional towards it by the end. Quite an achievement! #SkinnyHuman #Spaceman
Really enjoyed #Spaceman on Netflix. Never been interested in Adam Sandler’s dumb comedy movies but he’s surprisingly good here in a serious role. A strange, poignant and imaginative film that went in very unexpected directions.
Me acabo de ver #Spaceman (#ElAstronauta en castellano) en #Netflix. #AdamSandler no es santo de mi devoción pero tenía curiosidad por la película y darle una oportunidad en un papel dramático. Lo primero: no la veáis si tenéis #aracnofobia. La música de #MaxRichter es brutal y los efectos especiales son buenos. La historia es buena aunque podría resumirse en “señoro es psicoanalizado por alien y se da cuenta de cosas”. Aún así consigue enganchar y transmitir. Os la recomiendo si tenéis dudas.
I didn't realise this was on Netflix already. Then I did. So I watched it.
Just finished watching #Spaceman. It was so freaking good. I was not expecting that much emotion with Adam Sandler as the lead. I do love when he takes on more serious roles!!
16) #Spaceman with #AdamSandler
No, really, hahahahahahahaha..
It’s trying to be Interstellar, Gravity, Arrival, Contact with a bit of 2001 thrown in but it’s failing MISERABLY!
The points are for #MaxRichter’s gorgeous soundtrack and the #Nutella
A lonely astronaut encounters a mysterious creature lurking deep in the bowels of his spaceship in Spaceman #Berlinale #Berlinale2024 #film #movies #Spaceman
Download passes now for the screening on Monday, February 26, 7:00 PM at the Museum of Flight.
Quantities are limited! Seating is first come, first served. Please arrive early.
#Spaceman #Netflix #AdvanceScreening #Free #Seattle
‘Spaceman’ Review: Adam Sandler Fails To Style Out This Dour Sci-Fi – Berlin Film Festival
#Festivals #Reviews #AdamSandler #Berlin #BerlinFilmFestival #CareyMulligan #JohanRenck #Netflix #PaulDano #Spaceman