Have i gone blind? Afaict, the current version of #GlitchSoc used in #InfosecSpace , no longer lets us specify a character-number beyond which toots will automatically fold / collapse. I regarded that as a major reason for even bothering to favour a glitch.social
instance [along with, ofc, its support of Markdown formatting].
Maybe this is not even a recent change / degradation? Over recent months i've been repeatedly hopping between the native Masto web page, & #Statuzer, #Phanpy, & #Sengi, so possibly the change happened "unsighted" by me, months ago?
What a bugger!
@jerry - have you heard anything from upstream wrt if they plan to restore this feature, pls?
This is pretty disappointing, not least given the several months-old bug that broke correct behaviour of Unread notifications badge: Display a badge for unread notifications in the column icons when the notifications column isn't open
in the #AdvancedWebInterface remains unfixed.