The Grasshopper and section of the Barrash were made using DungeonDraft with assets from Forgotten Adventures and PeaPu. While Captain Osgud Volkbeder was made using Hero Forge.
#Starfinder2E #Starfinder #DungeonDraft #HeroForge
Making TTRPG battle maps with chat tonight!
Bring your ideas, vote in polls, and let’s create epic maps for campaigns #TTRPG #Dungeondraft #Twitch #Streamer
We're live right now!
Tonight I was in a bit of a bind. 20 minutes before my #dnd session I remembered I needed a map of a little section before a gate. #Dungeondraft takes a solid 5-10 minutes to load alone, so that was out of the question. But I recently bought
using that, I had a very decent map ready within the time frame and it worked out great for the session. 10/10 do recommend.
Map is attached.
Streamschedule for the week and TTRPG Map Making: Manor House stream tonight!
Come join tonight at 19:00 CEST (Berlin) for some #dungeondraft #ttrpg #mapmaking where I continue to build a #map for #dnd using #forgottenadventures assets!
Rest of the week we'll be playing some #7DaystoDie on Thursday and #Stellaris on Straturday.
Would love to see you over on - come hang out, learn a bit about map making for #ttrpgs and have a good chat!
Anyone need a #ttrpg #battlemap for their campaigns? Just something to add to the pool?
I got a bunch from my own campaigns over here for free
All of these are made using #dungeondraft and Forgotten Adventures assets.
I've been learning to make maps with Dungeondraft for the past few days.
The experience has been equal parts "AAARRRGGHH WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!???" and "HOT DAMN, THIS IS SO COOL!!!!"
Mein aktueller Hyperfokus ist seit gestern abend #dungeondraft Habe gerade erst mal gute 50 GB Kram von Crossheads Patreon heruntergeladen, damit ich mehr Assets habe. Als ob ich jemals schicke Karten selber machen werde. #pnpde
Below the city's bustling streets lies the Thieves' Guild.
#dnd #battlemaps #battlemap #rpg #dungeonsanddragons #5e #dungeondraft #fantasymap #tabletop #ttrpg #roleplay #fantasyart #patreon #patreoncreator
Savannah Grasslands [45x60]
A vast expanse of golden plains and swaying grass.
#dnd #battlemaps #battlemap #rpg #dungeonsanddragons #5e #dungeondraft #fantasymap #tabletop #ttrpg #roleplay #fantasyart #patreon #patreoncreator
Shore Fort [51x85]
The fort stands high above the ocean on rocky cliffs.
#dnd #battlemaps #battlemap #rpg #dungeonsanddragons #5e #dungeondraft #fantasymap #tabletop #ttrpg #roleplay #fantasyart #patreon #patreoncreator
Astral Bastion [40x44]
Travelers across the astral sea can find respite at the bastion.
#dnd #battlemaps #battlemap #rpg #dungeonsanddragons #5e #dungeondraft #fantasymap #tabletop #ttrpg #roleplay #fantasyart #patreon #patreoncreator