Today marks the 365th day since I started Door Dashing.
My first Dash was Dec 31, 2023.
It's a little slow tonight, as I thought it might be. But I won't be going out tomorrow night on New Years. So I'm hanging out in the parking lot, listening to tunes.
This has turned into a 2nd job.
A reliable source of income to cover costs. It's by no means ideal. My car got rearended at a stoplight in June.
I have a sore shoulder some nights.
I would like to do other things on my evenings and weekends, but it hasn't been bad.
I enjoy it. I have actually got to engage more with hockey (both local #bulldogs and NHL #canucks) by listening to radio broadcasts like the old days.
I've come to know my town a lot better. I've also come to know a much more broad variety of the people that call it home.
There is comeraderie between dashers as well as with restaurant workers.
Before, and when I started, I was frankly embarrassed, ashamed, that I was doing this.
What a stupid, privileged, ignorant attitude... totally unnecessary.
There should never be shame in working.
My family and friends have been so supportive.
I feel good and lucky to be able to do this. I am also grateful to live in a province that has forced the delivery companies to pay better wages.
Onward we go. Tip your delivery people if you can, but if you can't, that's ok too.
We're all just getting by the best we can.
#doordash #ubereats #SkipTheDishes
#gigwork #workers #worklife #affordability #delivery