Public comment on the #Alameda Urban Forest Plan just closed. In honor of it, I did a deep dive into the historical "street tree plan".
What were the named streets with their own trees?
* Gibbons is a pathological example. It has liquid ambers, which apparently are a horrible street tree, but they didn't know that 100 years ago.
* Central has London Planes. Lots of them. (all protected)
* Santa Clara - mixed broadleaf evergreens
* Lincoln - mixed broadleaf evergreens & deciduous
* Buena Vista - mixed deciduous, similar to elm (but those die) & silver linden
* Burbank/Portola (& 8th) - Mexican fan palms (all protected, but maybe not the ones on 8th?)
* Thompson trees, whatever they are are protected
* All oaks with a trunk larger than 10" (at a height of 4.5' tall)