#anarchism #anarchist #socialism #socialist #workersrights #labour #union #tradeunion #workers #communism #communist #anticapitalism #eattherich #feedthepoor
“If the climate were a bank, you would have saved it long ago.” - Just came across this new tag at the train station.
#anticapitalism #climatechange #BadBanks
Donald Trump with Elon Musk and his kid advertising Tesla outside the White House is peak capitalism!
Don't stop praising #LuigiMangione.
America has a lot of troubled young men who need both guidance and motivation.
good morning, enjoy a crime cat.
#TheCrimeCats say ask not what crimes will be perpetrated against you by your country, but ask what crimes you can commit on your country.
good morning, enjoy a crime cat.
#TheCrimeCats say notice while the economy tanks that no one in charge is going to not be filthy rich any more, that all the politicians are still going to have their jobs, and that the pyramid scheme we call an economy will continue only funneling money upward.
Billionaires shouldn’t be allowed to vote or participate in politics at all, period. And neither should fascists, who should instead all be either executed or sent off to prison to be re-educated out their ignorance. This is a far better way going forward and history will vindicate me.
#AntiFascism. Also, #AntiCapitalism.
„Solange das Kapital herrscht, werden Rüstungen und Krieg nicht aufhören. Alle großen und kleinen kapitalistischen Staaten sind jetzt in den Strudel der Wettrüstungen gerissen.“ — Rosa Luxemburg, heute 1871 geboren Wir haben ihr Werk für alle frei zugänglich gemacht — ganz in ihrem Sinne: https://rosaluxemburgwerke.de/buecher
Christopher Reid discusses a series of radical texts produced by workers in mid-20th century America, and the hopes of overcoming capitalism that they contained.
I'm gonna list out my interests, and there's a ton of 'em. Classic autism move, getting obsessed with weird topics that stick with you forever.
Heads up, #Fediverse, you might lose it when I drop 100+ hashtags in one post. That's just how autism rolls I guess.
## Interests and Obsessions
Substances and Legalization:
#Drugs #LSD #Shrooms #Psychedelics #THC #Psilocybin
Tech and Privacy:
#Linux #Debian #QubesOS #GrapheneOS #GooglePixel #Auxio #AntennaPod #PGP #Obtainium #PeerTube #FreeTube #Privacy #Security #Thunderbird #CapyReader #RSS #AtomFeeds #NewPipe #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Openreads #Signal #LocalSend #ThinkPad #FreeSoftware #FSF #ElementaryOS #Elementary #PaldoLinux #GNOME #i3wm #Monero #Mullvad #iVPN #LinusTorvald #Fairphone #DivestOS #Tor #TailsOS #Whonix
Politics and Activism:
#AnarchoSyndicalism #Anarchism #Syndicalism #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LGBT #TransRights #HumanRights #WorkersRights #Unions #Decentralization #Organizing #GrassRoots #DirectAction #AntiCapitalism #FuckSpotify #Piratpartiet #PirateParty #Piracy #ThePirateBay #EdwardSnowden #Wikileaks #JulianAssange #MeredithWhittaker #RichardStallman #RightToRepair
Music and Artists:
#ZoëStraub #Bandcamp #ShadowOfIntent #Alestorm #AlisonSudol #CœurDePirate #RussianPop #YuliaSavicheva #SavichevaMusic #Music
Content Creators:
#DougDoug #DistroTube #MattRose #TheHatedOne #EricParker #The8BitGuy #BernadetteBanner #LynnSaga #LukeSmith #UndineAlmani #DarkViperAU
History and Tragic Events:
#NorthKorea #WW2 #ColdWar #KoreanWar #Unit731 #NuclearWeapons #USSR
Fashion and Identity:
#GenderFluidity #Dresses #Lingerie #Pins #Buttons #Statues
Culture and Media:
#Buddhism #Warframe #Moomin #Books #Joker2019 #SocialIssues #AlternativeSocialStructures
#Traveling and Destinations:
#Austria #Vienna #Salzburg #Idlib #Pyongyang #Moscow #Bergen
#AntiReactionContentCreators #ReactionContentBad #Crying
Yeah, I know it's a lot. But that's the beauty of an autistic brain I guess, we go deep on what fascinates us.
From the Ashes: Grief, Care, and Time in our Movements
Sarah Jaffe, Eman Abdelhadi, Kelly Hayes, and Lydia Pelot-Hobbs talk about grief, anticapitalism, organising and much, much more.
"Under capitalist structures that tie people’s worth to their productivity, where value is determined largely by how productive you are, ableism is used to frame disability, "non-productivity" as a terrifying identity to hold. Ableism therefore doesn’t only affect disabled people but affects everyone: we are all being judged on our ability/inability to be a good productive and obedient worker for the capitalists/fascists."
#DisabilityDayOfMourning #DisabilityActivism #AntiCapitalism #ableism #sanism #resistance #capitalism