Again, there was this commercial for a sea cruise on TV. The woman hardly watched it and thought of switching to a crossword puzzle. Maybe she’d have a sip of Müller-Thurgau first. She heard the steps from the kitchen then, but did not look up or turn her head toward that direction.
- Did you wipe your feet, dear?
- We Knaughfollaurs never wipe our plemquassies, said the alien creature that was standing at the door.
- Oh, you're a – what did you say?
- I'm a Knaughfollaur from Fnandarbruchet 7 and...
- Sounds odd. You've been at Roy's again? How about coming home first, having dinner with me, and then...
- No, I'm from Fnandarbruchet 7, like I said. Raw'iss Beta is not on our route to your planet, which we will soon conquer and trugandiciate.
- Oh, I'm frightened.
- You should be. But first, I will take a specimen for quextilarising. And the choice was made to take you.
- I should feel honored, right?
- Indeed, you should. I will abduct you to my phlapstarionicle and cover your body in gnorfistiode, especially your Wwwwwwa. Then, I will turn on the sdagnomatronic oink, activate the gnorfisticator, and you will dissolve in quextilarity space.
- Enough now!
She put down her wine glass and stood up, turned toward the creature, hugged it, and kissed it passionately.
- I missed you, darling! What took you so long? You've been away for nearly a year...
- I missed you, too. But I had issues with my phlapsto’s gnoshinskining device, so I had to dodge your air patrol and sneak into your conglomeration.