Alternatives are out there! Don’t let them control your data & exposure!
#discord = #matrix #revolt #rocketchat
security: #bitwarden
#microsoftoffice = #LibreOffice
#datadog = #grafana (love your work!)
There are many more, please feel free to add your favourite #foss / #opensource alternatives as a reply. :) I hope in the future we can all own our own data.
@Lycoris also, nice connecting with you. ;)
@Lycoris Signal doesn't quite replace WhatsApp, you can't have it running on an Android phone and an Android tablet at the same time. Sadly for my use that's a show stopper.
@JohnDal I wasn’t aware of that issue but after a quick search it seems it’s a known issue. Hopefully they’ll implement something soon. Personally I’d not let meta mess stuff though.
@Lycoris It's the rest of the family I've got to convince, they already think I'm a bit of a loony.