Catching up from yesterday. Day 13 and Day 14 of #dailyhandwriting
What is your favorite weather? And 10 kinds of cookies
TWSBI Eco Amazonite <M>
ROxPenAddict FoFoF
Catching up from yesterday. Day 13 and Day 14 of #dailyhandwriting
What is your favorite weather? And 10 kinds of cookies
TWSBI Eco Amazonite <M>
ROxPenAddict FoFoF
Day 14 of #DailyHandwriting Ten kinds of cookies.
Early today as I’m chilling in a cafe before I head out for a meet & greet with Figboot at Appelboom #FountainPens
13. what is your favorite kind of weather?
This india ink is not as thick as some, and feathers on thin paper. On this cardstock it looks okay!
India inks and acrylic inks both use pigment (vs dyes), for added lightfastness and permanence, as well as greatly increased archival lifespan when decently kept.
Shellac is typically in india inks, while acrylic inks use acrylic binders, I think.
Thick shellac ink would not be good in a fountain pen.
rev. 5 of wands
king of pentacles
Dodged strife and imagery of a bird, and agriculture themes repeated from previous draws, perhaps.
#DailyHandwriting Day 13 is about weather. I'm in good company, wanting something to blow the cobwebs away.
Day 13 #DailyHandwriting What is your favorite kind of weather?
Trying out a different handwriting just for fun. #FountainPen
#sylvin #surfneblin (gnomish)
11. (More drills...) write the pangram “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”?
8 of pentacles (again)
rev. 10 of swords.
Mercury of earth, un-material culmination of air's aspect.
Creativity, and un-creativity's ruin.
Here's to staving off ruination!
Day 12 of #DailyHandwriting Drill for consistency: write the pangram “The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog” 5 times. As I’ve already done “the quick brown fox…”, I thought I’d throw in 5 other pangrams. They are fun #FountainPen
#sylvin #geblin
10. PRINT practice: One stroke letters LUVWZCOS
(but I did it wrong?)
XX. Judgement
XI. Justice
Sh l, Fire, perpetuation, visiting.
Day 11: PRINT practice: One stroke letters LUVWZCOS #DailyHandwriting #FountainPen
#DailyHandwriting 12, One stroke letters: L V U W Z C O S
My capital Z is not one stroke, but let's go with this.
The longest word I could come up with is Scowl.
#DailyHandwriting Day whatever it is (checks calendar) Day 12: one stroke letters.
Unless you put a bar across the Z, but also I had fun spelling cow and soul.
Day 11 #dailyhandwriting
Print Practice: One strike letters
This one made me slow down and realize that I didn't have to lift my pen, and I made a game of it. Felt like I was writing in secret code. LOL
10. 10 varieties of flowers?
rev. 4 of cups
rev III. Empress
I am lacking energy today, at the very least. Maybe there will be more flower varieties the next day!
Day 10 #dailyhandwriting
10 varieties of flowers.
I picked ones that are in my garden.
Robert Oster x Pen Addict FireOnFireOnFire
Day 10 #DailyHandwriting: ten varieties of flowers. You should be able to read each flower’s variety when zoomed in. Various differently inked #FountainPens were used
#DailyHandwriting 10, write down 10 varieties of flowers.
Funkiest Latin flower names I could think of. Additional suggestions very welcome.
#surfneblin #sylvin
9. What would you take for lunch in the park?
V. Heirophant
rev. 5 of swords
fives. Ill dignified severity of air.
Pictured are birds.