Today's second (!) modeling project, a roof rack to help transform this into the Family Truckster! Very excited how well this came out, but definitely running into the limits of Tinkercad.
I've not played #gaslands in ages.
And out of the blue a friend sent these photos of a car they recently completed.
Now I really want to play again
My wife went on a trip with family and she came back with these for me.
And the Gaslands cars are done! I call them The Tetanus Rangers. The urge to make some kind of display is very strong. And to make more cars. And a board. And gaslands unrelated stuff.
Trying to stay busy despite the strong desire to do the opposite!
Some gaslands weapons printed and primed. First resin print in a while, about half the plate failed, I suspect out of resentment for the new filament sibling that's been getting so much attention.
Now to decide which cars they go on.
If you see this, post something that isn't 28mm.
#nerdlings #gaslands
Drunk-arse Space Orcs! Tottering Dice Towers! Peter and Dylan play #SpaceGits and ask - is this the most fun you can have with miniatures?
#MikeHutchinson #Gaslands #Hobgoblin
One day I'll finish a single project without starting 3 new ones. Since I made some #gorkamorka stuff, I decided to move on to the same thing but smaller!
If I got things right this is enough for 3 people to play the game at the same time! I should probably read the rules first.
They look messy because glue got EVERYWHERE, but it'll all be sweet sweet rust when painted. It's high time I primed some cars.
NOW AVAILABLE! #gaslands #3dprinting #makerworld
My GASLANDS PACK 1! It's not just suited to gaslands though, #dnd, #warhammer, #32mm scale games, the lot.
Go on, print it. You know you wanna! (Please?)
#Gaslands players, help me out here ...
Is this design cool or lame?
I'm working on another 3d printable variation of the standard templates.
Tire tracks... Too on the nose? Or cool!
Got to play some Gaslands this last week, and had a blast. We did the Flag Tag scenario first, which we one we had not played before in our group. Pat ran four motorcycles as a Idris team and ended up winning with this fragile bikes because they were just that much faster!
Second scenario we rolled Death Race which is what we usually play. I ended up winning this one with my pirate themed car.
I painted these tracked bikes from Meepleforge this week, to add to my Gaslands team roster! Scenic pics on a Tiny Wargames mat, with a backdrop (my new books arroved at my mum's today, so I'll collect them tomorrow!) #gaslands #nerdlings #miniaturepainting #wargaming